9 years ago

In this year, one of my wishes, was to see skii jumps in Planica and I was probably really annoyed about it. So when we (a cuple of friends) bought tickets I was really excited and happy.

The journey started with an early start at 4am and because  I am an night bird it was really difficult to fall asleep earlier than usual.
I woke up after around 2 hours of sleep, got ready and took my dogs out for a really early morning walk since they stayed at home. The path took us two hours of drive with a bus through Austria. My memories of that road are a bit foggy because of the exhaustion.

 When we got there (4 hours early) and I was stunned from the landscape around Planica. Seeing it in person, it really leaves you speechless. The wait was a bit boring and cold, because the sun shined on us just one hour before the start of it all.

When the competition started the real cheering spirit showed. When they would fly over 215 m we started to cheer even louder and louder, especially when it was time for Robert Kranjec and Peter Prevc to fly. The crowd went nuts. We were shouting, jumping, flags were high in the sky. I can remember when they landed, at second jump, 233 m and 241,5 m,, my heart was racing, my legs and hands were shaking and got teary eyes, because I was so proud and happy to be the part this amazing season.
When Peter was declared as the winner, after what it seemed like a very long time, all the madness began again and we started singing our national anthem a capella. For a second I had to stop, because I was so overwhelmed with all the emotions that crowd reflected.

Even now when I'm writing this my mind is jumping from one event to another and next year I'm gonna be there again, to support our Eagles. I know that this post is probably full of mistakes and I'm sorry for that, but it was written in a rush of emotions.

Kisses, Sa.

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