10:23:00 AM
 Necklaces no.1
Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Necklaces no.2
Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Vermillion redd: STYLING | ACCESSORIZE

Today I went a bit mental at the Accessorize shop as you can see :) I got a coupon for a 40% percent of a couple of products and I couldn't resist. I bought myself two necklaces and two chokers, that I can wear separately or together. This is actually my first time buying anything in that place since is usually a bit over my budget. But hey, we only live once ;)

Kisses, Sa. & T

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