7 years ago

Do you remember my first hike this year and how it all lead up to my biggest challenge yet? 
When we decided we're about to hike Triglav, I was faced with constant negativism about how I won't make it to the top, that I'm not ready for it, I'm not in shape for something like that, etc.

You know what? I proved them all wrong! 

Our trip started on Saturday at 7am  with a ride across Austria to Lake Zelenci (which I must say is incredible) and than we headed to waterfall Savica when our hiking journey began. We went on a 3 day hike around the longest path to the peak of Triglav, exploring the Triglav lakes. 
The first lake we saw was the Black lake, I really wish we'd start hiking sooner since the lake was already in the shadows, but it was beautiful regardless. The next lakes are called Double Triglav lake and they are at the hut where we stayed the first night. 

Sunday was the longest hiking day and the Big lake (Jezero v Ledvicah) was the one to blame. It left me totally speechless the second I saw it. I mean, just look at the pictures below and you'll know what I mean. And the last two we saw were Green and Brown lake. Then we started a race with time since we needed to get to Kredarica hut and by that we had to reach the peak of Triglav in order to arrive to the hut in time. We got on Triglav really late but I think that the mountain showed us some appreciation for that, because the view was absolutely breath taking. We had the pleasure to see all the way to Slovenian sea side. 

The next morning I woke up to the most beautiful view I could ever imagine. It was around 6am and Triglav was burning.  And by the time I properly woke up and got ready, the weather was totally different. I could not believe how fast weather changes up there. It's incredible. When we settled for breakfast, guys went to help to up and unload the helicopter and for gratitude they got free breakfast. After that we started our last hike down to the valley, where our tour de Triglav finished.

I walked trough sweat, laugh, tears, pain and cold. But I would not change it for the world!! 💜

P.S. None of the photos are retouched

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