10:12:00 AM
You all know we are both from Slovenia, right? And you know how small our country is. And yet it still took us about a month or so, to get the package from Ljubljana to Ravne na Koroškem, that means 90 minutes of driving distance. As you can see our organization is not a good friend of ours :D

Let's get to the point.

We told you in the previous post, which was written in our native language, that we got something from the shop. It was really hard to keep our budget in control and not to buy all the things that we loved. But at the end we got super cute tea bag holder - the pink slug and a Ecoffee cup. The main reason for getting these, was well, we love tea and to minimize the waste of Hip Hop (Petrol) coffee to go cups, since they can not be recycled. 
The Ecoffee cup is made from organic bamboo fibers, so it makes it totally natural and biodegradable. And the other positive thing is that you can wash it in dishwasher. What more can you ask for in a coffee cup?

Vermillion Redd: ECOFFEE CUP | OKAY.SI

Vermillion Redd: ECOFFEE CUP | OKAY.SI
Vermillion Redd: ECOFFEE CUP | OKAY.SIVermillion Redd: ECOFFEE CUP | OKAY.SI

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