1. What is the one thing that annoys you most about your best friend?
S: I have to say that the thing annoys me the most is that she gives up so quickly, if something does not immediately jumps in her face, that means it she ''can not'' find it
T: Well for me is the over perfectionism. She has to make it perfect, even if it kills her.
And I would say, I do try a lot, and than I give up- but I am working on it (trying to upgrade) :)
2. What is the last book your best friend read?
S: I am not sure because she reads A LOT. I hope the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban that she got from me for her birthday.
T: I wish, but I need to start from book no.1. The last one was another book that I got for my B-day and its from Elizabeth Hoyt- Tatovi senc (Don't know the eng. title).
S: see that's exactly what I was talking about! You didn't even tried to google the English title which is Thief of shadows.
T: Why would's a translated book, and I am Slovenian :)
3. What is your best friend really bad at?
S: as I said, finding something. If it's not top google search than it's not there hahaha :D
T: Hehehe XD oh dear, I don't think she is bad at anything. She is really kin of knowing everything :) But for this year, I think the most problems she had with writing some extra mumbo jumbo in some university papers.
4. What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to your best friend?
S: That she never makes time for some of her friends, which is NOT true.
T: Yeah that one still hurts.
Let me think about it...The one that I remember happened in her middle school when her school teacher told her to stop drawing (be creative), because she doesn't have a talent. Well look at her now!
S: oh yeah good one, but she actually told my mum and clearly did not listen to her and believed in me <3
T: Gotta love moms <3
5. Where does your best friend want to live when they get older?
S: England for sure :D
T: Guilty (or Canada).
I don't think she cares as long as her love and her dogs are with her.
6. Has your best friend ever had surgery?
S: No?!
T: Yes I did. They sew up my tongue back on when I was really young.
I don't think so. She is healthy as a horse :)
S: oh yeah totally forgot. You are right, I've never been admitted to hospital, thank god!
7. If your best friend could meet anyone at the time, who would it be?
S: aaammm,.... let me think,... probably Dracula :D
T: If I understand the question, I would say Tim Burton.
Oh Sabrina, don't you know, I was his mistress in my past life XD
8. Would your best friend watch a chick-flick, action, comedy or a horror movie?
S: Where are animated and fantasy movies?? But if I have to pick among top ones, she'd watch chick-flick.
T: Definitely not horror movies. I think she is for action ones (Batman, Logan ...).
Well who doesn't like a little romance in their life. Some of us gets it only from movies (sad I know) :)
9. If I could go anywhere in the world with you, where would it be? Why?
S: For sure Warner Bros. The making of Harry Potter <3 Because it's our ultimate goal ahahahaha :D
T: That is for sure! And I don't know when will that happened- but at least we'll have everything to see, since they regularly updating it.
10. Do we live close to each other?
S: Hell no *sad face*
T: :'( Well if you compare it with some other countries, it's not that far. But for Slovenian distance it's far, far away.
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