8 years ago
On Saturday evening I spent the whole night with my family and friends celebrating my fathers birthday. He reached 60. You may not know this, but my family (on my mother side) is one of those that are really connected (sometimes too much), but I don't mind. I love them so much! That's why I wanted to share our day, the celebration with you guys.

The whole thing started a few days before the event. Why? I was raised up, that for every family event me and my mother bake a tone of home made pastries. Through the years we tried so many recipes, more than I can count, and in some of the recipes we've changed mostly the sugar quntity and so on. So naturally this time around I was in charge for the most of them, since I was at home all day. Everything started on Thursday, and if you, by any chance follow us on IG, you had seen my stories ;) If you missed them, well I'll show you one of them :)

With all the madness around that, my mother also had a graduation dance (she is a professor) a day before, so I had to make time to prepare her for the dance. And that takes some time too, you know make up and stuff ;)

And than in the blink of an eye the D day came, and even though we didn't try to go over the top, we did. We had booked a party place, that was already little decorative, and made it a bit more mature, manly with a hint of a woman ;) We used white elegant sheets, smaller brown felt and blueish/ greenish balls of different sizes. We added some candle holders and elegantly decorative napkins, and voila. The place looked like a million dollars :) I have to say a big thanks to my mothers sister in law for the big, big help with the aesthetics. ^^ The party was a success. The food was good, but the pastries were even better. Some people even danced on a live music from the accordion.

I was so happy about the outcome that I had to share it with all of you. It takes just a little to make everything a bit more, well a lot more special. Just be prepared to sacrifice some time, and your loved ones will appreciate it :)

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