8 years ago
We know we've done this before, but today, we're not going to test how well we know each other but we'll ask one another a few questions that we're curious about. 

Let's start with Tina.

S: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
T: I'll say How to train your dragon 1 and 2 :) But I do have quite a lot of them^^ Like Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, Hobbit, A dangerous Method, Bridget Jones, Eddie the Eagle, Batman and so on...

S: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
T: Nope :)

S: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
T: I always wanted to be an actress :) Maybe that is why I watch so much movies- investigation ;)

S: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
T: All the time, and it creeps me out.

S: Who would you like to see in concert?
T: Damn that is a hard Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Big Bang, and many more :)

S: Do you miss anyone right now?
T: I miss you :) I miss how we used to hang out every day :( Well, life moves on...

Sabrina's turn.

T: Which is your favorite season? 
S: Summer without a doubt

T: Which series you could watch over and over again?
S: Well,... I've watched Lie to me like million times, House M.D., The Tudors, Bones,...

T: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
S: Coconut milk with cornflakes (gluten free) and oatmeal

T: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
S: Yes I did, once 😁

T: Do you believe in ghosts?
S: I'm not totally sure about this one 😂

T: What do you like about me?
S:I like a lot of things, but one thing I like the most is that you really are a good friend!!! 💙

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