2:43:00 PM
In my opinion, of course. 😉

Is it just me or finding the ''right'' gift for your boyfriend is like a treasure hunt of some sorts?
I am not a big fan of those typical gifts, where you buy perfume, alcohol, bathing sets etc. Do not get me the wrong way, I am guilty of giving few of the things written above. This is just purely from my perspective and experience, but not everyone is the same. So every year, for me, is a minor mission impossible, because I do not like giving same sorts of gifts twice, and of course my budget is not always the same. So here are the top 5 gifts my boyfriend received from me.

1.Shooting Range
If he loves shooting games as my boyfriend does, he'll probably be really excited about this one. I mean, who would not want to test his shooting skills in real life at the range. I took my boyfriend and I must say, he was over the moon about it. He could not stop talking about it for months.

2. Trampoline park Woop!
Have you heard, that in Ljubljana the doors opened the new trampoline park Woop!? When my boyfriend found out he was so excited, like a little kid. I have no idea how this gift will turn out, since it is a Christmas present. But I am sure he will love it. 😀 

3. Concert tickets
Okay, I am guilty of giving this gift twice! 😂 I can not resist this, since I am a big fan of concerts. But if the artist he really likes is near by and in the near future, I am sure he will not mind. 

4. Cremeschnitte
 Last year my boyfriend found out that he is wheat intolerant and that happened right before his birthday. So finding one god damn pastry/cake without the wheat, was one big nightmare. He loves cremeschnitte, and of course made them by myself without wheat. It was one big messy, but delicious gift, and he loved it. In my opinion, baking for someone their favorite pastry is one way to make them happy. 😋

5. Wrist watch
While I was still studying in Ljubljana, we were always passing by one jewelry store. They were selling G-shock watches and we always stopped there to gaze at one particular wrist watch. That lasted for about a year and every time we passed by they had less and less of those watches. So I decided it is about the time. One of the main reasons I got him the watch, it is because he did not own any, so I thought it was really great gift. I left him a little speechless, so I am safe to say that this gift belongs among top 5. 😊

I really do hope that this list will help you a bit. 😉

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