8 years ago
If you have missed our first best friend Q&A tag you can check it here. So here are new 10 questions and some of them were harder to answer, but hey can you ever really know someone?!  :)

I thin this is the second year of Facutly of design

What is your best friend’s dream job?
T:  Hm... She would love to be a costume designer for Tim Burton :D
S: This was probably the question you did not need to think about right :D I'd say the same or maybe working alongside Vivienne Westwood.
T: Yes, yes :D

What are the three items your best friend always carries with them?
T: Phone, Keys and water bottle
S: Phone, .... jesus, I have to think really hard. Earphones and am.. wallet.
T: A hard one a? ;) But true :D

Does your best friend like loud music or music that is at a much reasonable level?
T: Loud of course :)
S: Oh yes, very :D but you listen music at much reasonable level :)
T: True :P
Can you describe your best friend in one word?
T: Only one word? uf... Trustworthy
S: Awwwwww, I would say the same, but I'd be copying :D so I'll say goofy suits her best!
T: Aaaaawwww <3

Is your best friend allergic to anything? 
T: I don't think so... are you?
S: yeah I am, to dogs and cats, but what the hell, you only live once :D you're allergic to sun, right?!
T: Never would have guessed that. You have two dogs! :) Now that I think about it, I don't remember seeing any symptoms. Yes, that is mine. The holidays are not always fun -.-
S: Well at first that I got them was kinda bad. My eyes were all red, i was itchy and sneezing all the time, but then it normalized :D so if I'm not with them everyday, once in a while it breaks out.

Does your best friend sing in the shower?
T: Maybe when she is home alone, but I never heard her. And nowadays she is never alone :)
S: I can't really remember when was the last time I did that... but I don't think you do that either, because you're super fast out of a shower :D
T: Well some verses are short ;) And why just sing in the shower.. I sing around the whole house (BTW bad voice) XD

What would your best friend do if they won the lottery?
T:  Some of the money she would invest, some donate..but I think she would build a fashion brand where we could be the bosses :)
S: HA! that was right on point T. :D I think you'd buy yourself a car so you could go anywhere you wanted at anytime :D haha
T: I would do the same thing as you :)

What's your best friend’s favorite TV show?
T: I would say: Lie to me ...but she also loves Castle, Bones, The Blacklist..oh and Pretty little liars. How did I do? :)
S: Pretty close :D amm how the hell should I know your favorite one :D you watch so many of them... I'd say Scorpion because that was the first one that came to my mind.
T: I like that one, but I am still stuck in the first season. I would say more like Game of Thrones, or American Horror Story (worth of watching them again) :)
S: I meant to say GOT but wasn't sure :D

Has your best frend ever been camping?
T: mmm let me think... no?
S: I have slept one time at my cousins yard, but I wouldn't count that as camping :D Have you? I have no idea :D
T: Yes, two years ago. For three days near Krk island, in some camp (I think it was in Kraljevica). :) Not sure if I want to do this again :) And yours doesn't count ;)
S: I'm to spoiled for camping haha :D

When was your best friend born?
T: Well, she is a child of Friday the 13th in April, and I am not really sure about the hour. I think she was an afternoon child :)
S: I was actually born in the morning ;) 7:22am. Well she just had her birthday on the 6th of February and I have no idea what time she was born. I just know her mum was in labor when they took her to the hospital with ambulance :D
T: How do you know that XD I was born at 6.20am ;) 

This is all for now. If you have any Q and A for us, just ask us on social media <3

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