7 years ago
We all sometimes have a problem getting that special gift for your best friend or your girlfriend!
So here are our top 10 suggestions ;)

#1 Bookworm?
Why not get her a great novel or a mystery book. Every girl likes to snuggle up in a fluffy blanket with her hot chocolate and a good book.


#2 Sweet tooth?
For that special day, take her out for a nice piece of cake. Or ice cream, or... the one sweet thing that she likes. I know that I always invite my friends to a place where they make the best pancakes in Ljubljana. We all want some sweetness in our life <3

#3 Long-term relationship?
After so long you kind of get out of ideas of what to get her. But it isn't always about the material things. For that day, try doing something nice for her. Try and make lunch or dinner for her; or if something needs to be fixed, fix it. Believe me, she would appreciate it more ^^
That also includes if you clean the house or clothes instead of her.

#4 Adventure girl?
In our opinion, this one is the easiest. If she likes adventure why not surprise her with a trip. I bet she already gave you a hint while dating what were her extreme wishes. Even an escape room is one safe way to go during the winter time ;)

#5 Travel enthusiast?
Surprise her with a getaway! It can be a one day trip to the seaside or for the weekend or even for the whole week (or more) ;) It can be just in another city or in another country... While there try to enjoy, explore and relax ;)

#6 Makeup lover?
Some girls just can't get enough... so why not give her a gift card to Sephora or other makeup brands. Or even better. Check what she likes (go carefully through her makeup bag), and go get some things that are running out. The girls that work with makeup will help you if you get confused ;)

#7 Captured moments?
After a few years knowing each other I bet you got loads of photos of you two. So personalized photo album is one way to thank her for being in your life. You can order it online or print/make it yourself. Nostalgic :)

#8 Fashionista?
 Handbag, purse, or just a piece of clothing, perfect gift for a fashionista girl.

#9 Personal note?
 Best gifts are personal. Handmade or bought one, if there is a personal note behind it, she will love it. Especially if she knew that you were thinking of her while buying/ making it.

#10 All about the shine?
Well, every girl likes a little shine on their ears, around the neck or wrist or on their finger. This type of gift is reserved for more special occasions like graduation, proposal, anniversary and so on... Before buying anything, make sure to notice what kind of colour her jewellery is. She can like yellow gold or white one, or .... :) Make sure to know if she is allergic to any metals too :)

Remember, best gifts are the ones that are making amazing memories ;)

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