beauty 11:59:00 AM BEAUTIFUL BLOGGERS MEET UP VOL. 2 One year around since I attended my very first Beauty Bloggers Meet Up and this year Sabrina came along. I actually had a feeling that ... shares
beauty review 9:45:00 AM CRAYOLA MAKEUP CRAYONS | CRAYOLA BEAUTY Crayola mostly known for their crayons for kids has launched a range of makeup products based on its COLORFUL wax crayons, and our in... shares
beauty hand made 9:08:00 AM WHY DO WE NEED SPF IN OUR PRODUCTS It is NEVER too late (or too early) to use SPF protection in your daily routine! Summer is coming really soon, and so is the ... shares
beauty 12:17:00 PM SCARECROW | FLAWLESS, ELIXIR Why should I fear the dark? When the masks people wear in the sun are far more terrifying. - Dave Wise Base: - L´o... shares
beauty 11:01:00 AM SILENCE | INNOVATION, ROSE GOLD Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. (Shakespeare) Slovenian national holiday (Pust) is j... shares
beauty 10:47:00 AM COLD SWEETNESS | FLAWLESS 4 ''What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.'' - John Steinbeck Th... shares